
如果你想在家庭友好的氛围中获得非凡的学习经历, then you've come to the right place. Coahoma Community College provides students with quality and excellence. Your future begins at Coahoma Community College.  Learn why we are the right choice for you. 

查看我们的入学要求或继续填写一份 application.



Admissions requirements for...

The following requirements are general admissions requirements 并且必须由所有希望被体育网赌正规平台下载录取的学生完成:

每位申请人必须提交一份完整的入学申请. This application 可以通过联系网赌正规实体老平台推荐和记录办公室或通过 clicking here.

第一次申请大学入学的学生应该提供一份官方证明 由校长/注册主任签署的成绩单及毕业日期(如适用) and the school seal. 

通过通识教育考试的学生必须提交正式成绩单 of the General Education Diploma (GED) scores.

曾就读于其他高等学校的学生,必须提交毕业证书 所有就读院校的大学和/或军事成绩单.

申请进入学术和技术课程的学生需要 参加美国大学考试(ACT),并要求将结果发送到办公室 of Admissions and Records. The ACT Code for Coahoma Community College is 002401.

转校生的定义是完成课程的学生 from another accredited college or university. Students transferring to Coahoma Community 学院必须满足学院目录中列出的所有入学要求.

在另一所大学留校察看的学生,如果可以的话, is admitted to Coahoma Community College on probation. A student who is excluded from 另一学院因学业停学可考虑录取 科霍马社区学院的见习生在离开大学后 one semester.

See the Student Records Policies of the Catalog for the Transfer Credit Policy.  For Health Science programs, see the Health Science Transfer Policy in the Health Science Student Handbook.

从家庭学校毕业的学生的申请将被提交 提交给网赌正规实体老平台推荐委员会,并将根据个人情况进行考虑.

在家上学的学生必须提交一份由家长、监护人或监护人准备的成绩单 保管人须提供一份已签署的宣誓书及上述人士之一的书面推荐信 persons.

All other admission requirements 还必须满足其中包括ACT分数和社会保障卡.

委员会将向相应的教学院长(学术院长)提出建议 教务处处长、职业技术教育处长或卫生处长 Sciences) regarding enrollment status.


高中生可以在他们还在上高中的时候就获得大学学分 and enrolled in high school courses. Only students with a 3.0-grade point average on a 4.所有高中课程成绩在0分或以上才有资格报名. There 学生是否有义务在科霍马社区学院注册 after high school graduation. To be admitted to the Dual Enrollment Program, students must have the following:

  1. A minimum of fourteen (14) Carnegie high school units
  2. An overall 3.0-grade point average on a 4.0 scale or better on all high school courses 由高中成绩单证明,必须密封在信封里
  3. 学术顾问和/或校长的无条件推荐信 (provided by dual enrollment coordinator)
  4. Application for admission to Coahoma Community College
  5. A copy of social security card

注意:双录取学生每门课程的最低成绩必须达到“C” to continue in the dual enrollment program.

符合要求的有限数量的国际学生将被接受 for admission to the college. All of the requirements must be completed two (2) months 在该学期的课程开始之前,以便有时间 填写美国移民归化局要求填写的表格 Department of Justice to be completed and approved.

  1. Complete an application for admission.
  2. 提供高中/中学的最终成绩单和/或所有成绩单 each college/post-secondary institution attended. (Student is responsible for having 评估和解释的成绩单以及在此过程中产生的费用).
  3. 提供英语语言熟练程度的证据,至少通过分数 525 on "Test of English as a Foreign Language."
  4. 提供美国大学考试(ACT)或学术能力测试(SAT)的成绩.
  5. 提交一份财务宣誓书,证明有足够的资金支付大学学费 and personal expenditures while in attendance. Total expenditures including tuition, 住宿费、食宿费和其他费用必须在注册时支付.
  6. Must be interviewed by the Admission Committee.

Note: 学院保留决定外国学生入学人数的权利 and to change policies stated herein when deemed necessary.

退伍军人或合资格人士的入场条件与普通军人相同 admission students. 退伍军人和其他符合条件的人必须满足所有一般入场 要求,并向网赌正规实体老平台推荐和记录办公室提供书面证据 所有以前的教育和培训,在被录取和认证之前 Veteran's Administration. 打算利用退伍军人福利的退伍军人不能被允许入境 以学院特殊录取身份并有资格获得财政资助 benefits under the GI Bill. Veterans or veteran dependents are required to report to the Office of Admissions and Records after registering. 

Click here for more information.

  1. Complete and submit the online application 到荣誉学院项目并提供所要求的信息.

  2. 你需要上传500字的个人简介,双倍行距,12号 font as a part of the application.  这篇文章应该包括你选择的专业,职业抱负,以及为什么 you are a good fit for this program.

  3. Applicants currently in high school should have two completed recommendation forms; 一份来自高中老师/辅导员/行政人员,另一份来自社区领导. 推荐人将收到一封附有表格副本的电子邮件.  

  4. Applicants currently enrolled in college should have two completed recommendation forms; one from a college professor and one from a community leader. These should be sent from the recommender directly to Mr. Jeremy Pittman. The recommender will receive an email with a copy of the form for completion.  

  5. 提交一份高中成绩单和大学成绩单的正式副本(如果有的话) 你是一个转学生),你最近的ACT或SAT成绩报告给学校 Office of Admissions and Records. 如果你已经寄出了,就没有必要再寄一份.  All correspondence 代表您提交的表格必须包括您的完整姓名和社会安全号码.  Type or print legibly.

Click here for more information.


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